- Gem Elixirs
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- Eliminate, Repair, Regenerate
Eliminate, Repair, Regenerate
This is a powerful protective elixir, giving stability and structure to one’s life by creating an energy field which clears, stabilizes and produces order within the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual systems.
Eliminate, Repair and Regenerate Proprietors' Blend works on several forms of release that will affect many areas of your life. Release emotional blockages from your history, especially childhood stress and trauma. It assists to resolve, dissolve and get past old buried experiences of deep emotional stress, opening the door to all the great wonders that are waiting for you.
Energetically it extracts negative energy from the chakras clearing a path for Kundalini energy to be established. Physically it releases environmental and prescription medication toxins on a cellular level. It will help with anxiety and stress, bring relief to arthritis and joint disorders, muscular problems and help the digestive system. It stops and heals degeneration and promotes regeneration.