Law of Attraction...$33.00
The Law of Attraction creates a magnetic effect within your aura and energy field for the precise continual steps to occur and for you to achieve your desires. For instance, if you want a house, you’ll be led to it. Perhaps your priority is a new job, more harmonious relationships or positive financial shifts.
This elixir was designed to keep your mind clear, stay focused, be in the NOW and guide you to the appropriate choices so that the unseen is awakened to move mountains on your behalf.
Simply set your intention, take the Law of Attraction Elixir and visualize the end result you would like to achieve, then pay attention to the signs and guidance that surrounds you. Stay open to receiving the Universal blessings and welcome abundance and prosperity in to your life.
Eliminate, Repair, Regenerate
This is a powerful protective elixir, giving stability and structure to one’s life by creating an energy field which clears, stabilizes and produces order within the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual systems.
Eliminate, Repair and Regenerate Proprietors' Blend works on several forms of release that will affect many areas of your life. Release emotional blockages from your history, especially childhood stress and trauma. It assists to resolve, dissolve and get past old buried experiences of deep emotional stress, opening the door to all the great wonders that are waiting for you.
Energetically it extracts negative energy from the chakras clearing a path for Kundalini energy to be established. Physically it releases environmental and prescription medication toxins on a cellular level. It will help with anxiety and stress, bring relief to arthritis and joint disorders, muscular problems and help the digestive system. It stops and heals degeneration and promotes regeneration.
Ascension Alignment
This high frequency gem elixir activates and prepares your Eka Body so that you may work with the Masters of Light to activate additional bodies of consciousness & light that is necessary to prepare you for the journey of God Consciousness and Oneness.
Ascension Alignment is a compilation of new creation encodements of many galactic, planetary dimensional and ancient systems that re-pattern the body by releasing outdated genetic programming. It then raises the frequency of cellular memory to instill health and well-being on 44 unique levels.
Ascension Alignment gem elixir is infused with the vibration of the Blue, Green, Ruby &Violet Rays to create a cosmic shift, enabling your Akashic records to be cleared & healed so old paradigms will be transformed, transcended and reconfigured. Your chakra system is activated, negativity cleared and a pathway for the movement of kundalini instilled.
The process of 'ascension' involves not only people, but the whole planet and all beings. The increased number of electromagnetic connections within your being will produce the perfect elements for transformation - giving your DNA / RNA, physical body and all subtle bodies the chance to alignment with your divine purpose.
Ascension Symptoms:
- Unusual aches and pains throughout your body, especially joint pain.
- Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. Much is going on in your dream state.
- Memory loss. A great abundance of short term memory loss and only vague remembrances of your past.
- 'Seeing' and 'hearing' things. You are experiencing different dimensions as you transition, all according to how sensitive you are and how you are wired.
- You may hear voices other than your own.
- Periods of deep sleep. You are resting from all the acclimating and are integrating.
- Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings - crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulation are barely tolerable.
- You don't feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period - you are 'rebooting'. Your body knows what it needs.
- Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring.
- A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar. Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. A craving for protein. You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process.
- A wanting to go home, as if everything is over and you don't belong here anymore.
- Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort.
- Ascension Alignment will provide healing for these symptoms.
Zeolite Proprietors Blend
The Health Benefits of Zeolite Due to advances in modern technology we have been exposed to never before seen pollutants, toxic chemicals and poisonous heavy metals. We literally live in a chemical soup. The chemicals come into our bodies through the food we eat, the water we drink, and the very air we breathe, the clothes we wear and the convenient everyday products we tend to use. This situation actually threatens our very survival.
Until recently, the only sure way to remove the most destructive heavy metals and toxins from our bodies was through I.V. chelation, a process both invasive and expensive. We now have discovered a totally natural and inexpensive solution to this daunting issue. It’s a miracle mineral called Zeolite, and it is perhaps one of the most important substances on Earth today.
Soul Alchemy Healing’s Zeolite Proprietors Blend is a unique formula that absorbs the toxins, free radicals, and metals from your body, and boosts the immune system. Our exclusive Zeolite formula includes an anti Candida Albacans fighting component and has been shown to balance the body’s pH. Foreign cells cannot grow in a balanced pH environment. This mineral has been shown in independent studies to be effective fighting certain types of cancer.
Purification, Detoxification, and Purging with Zeolite Build-ups of waste products, acidosis and heavy metals can damage our bodies. Unbalanced diets, pollution and food additives can all cause waste products and heavy metals to build up in our bodies. This often leads to acidosis causing "clogging" of the cell membranes. In other words, our cells slowly suffocate. Build-ups of heavy metal toxins (especially cadmium, mercury and lead) are the cause of many serious medical conditions.
The energy of this Zeolite elixir is such a high vibration that it can actually passes between the body's cells. Due to its extraordinary adsorption and selection capabilities Zeolite binds with waste products, toxins and, most importantly, harmful heavy metals, allowing these substance to be easily eliminated from the body. The high vibration of our Zeolite formula is also a highly effective antioxidant, allowing it to neutralize free radicals on contact.
Other Uses for our Ground-breaking Zeolite Formula Zeolite is a unique antioxidant. A traditional antioxidant works by absorbing excess free radicals into its system because it has an impaired electron. In contrast, Zeolite traps free radicals in its complex structure, inactivating and eliminating them.
Other benefits from taking zeolite are:
- Stops acute and chronic diarrhea
- Raises the body’s antioxidant levels
- Binds myco toxins, forming stable complexes
- Reduces side effects of chemotherapy/radiation
- Stabilizes and regulates immune system
- alleviates headaches and general aches and pains
- regulates blood pressure and pulse rate
- improves degraded conditions of the liver
- improves degraded conditions of the pancreas
The remedy also contains...Charoite is the gemstone for this age. It provides for a synthesis between the heart and the mind. It sustains your attention span, and opens the heart.
This mineral provides for transmutation of negativity and for grounding to the spiritual self; something needed in these times of extreme earth changes and as we move closer to 2012 and our evolution. It is useful in cleansing the auric body and filling the chakras with a loving spiritual energy and assists you to stay present.
Charoite tends to transmute the symptoms of illness and dis-ease to well-ness. It can be used to treat disorders of the eyes and heart, to provide improvement in autistic pursuits, to alleviate headaches and general aches and pains, to improve degraded conditions of the liver {e.g. due to excess alcohol}, to improve degraded conditions of the pancreas {e.g. due to excess refined sugars}, and to stimulate and regulate the blood pressure and the pulse rate.
Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction Elixir will assist in the successful manifestation of the unseen into the material. With this elixir, all manner of circumstances will flow to and around you and messages from Spirit will serve to guide you toward achieving your heart’s desire.
The Law of Attraction creates a magnetic effect within your aura and energy field for the precise continual steps to occur and for you to achieve your desires. For instance, if you want a house, you’ll be led to it. Perhaps your priority is a new job, more harmonious relationships or positive financial shifts.
This elixir was designed to keep your mind clear, stay focused, be in the NOW and guide you to the appropriate choices so that the unseen is awakened to move mountains on your behalf.
Simply set your intention, take the Law of Attraction Elixir and visualize the end result you would like to achieve, then pay attention to the signs and guidance that surrounds you. Stay open to receiving the Universal blessings and welcome abundance and prosperity in to your life.