Traditions often persist and evolve for thousands of years. They lay the foundations and structures of how we live, express and experience this reality. One theory of social science is that tradition is often contrasted with innovation of entire societies. This contrast in thinking can be confusing. We are currently experiencing the expansion of social change, one where societies progress from being traditional to being more current or progressive.
Unifying traditional beliefs, objects or customs implemented or believed in the past, with enlightened and accelerated views and information in the present assist us to change paradigms, breaking the bonds that confine us.
The problem for many is that while they are attempting to create new paradigms they have become somewhat flippant of past traditions. Some individuals are saying that the Master of the past are set in their ways, that the information is out dated.
As a teacher and spiritual coach I believe in setting up strong basic structures and foundations to build on. For instance, A basic structure such as the 7 major energy centers in the chakra system, will always remain a foundation. The traditional colours and the new energies they bring, will change and new ones will open. The Blue Ray will always carry the energy of The Will of God, although the expression of that Ray and how it activates us may change. Archetypes will always be created by the mass consciousness, however those archetypes will change and evolve into new ones as we begin to change our paradigms. DNA will always be contained in the human form, although it’s components, form and expression will evolve to match our consciousness.
I believe that there are many of us who strive to change our current paradigms and be the “Oneness and Love” that the spiritual realm offers us. In order for us to change our paradigms and those of society we must first begin to change the neuro pathways in our brains that dictate behaviour and emotional response. Anyone who channels knows the fasted way to change those pathways in not by creating new ones, because creating a totally new neuro pathway can take years. However re-routing the old neuro pathway patterns, creates new realities. This is the reason we see paradigm shifts taking so long on a mass consciousness level.
If we respect and honour tradition, while embracing newness we begin to re-route our pathways. After all the foundations of our bodies and energy systems have supported us for eons. I like to think of it as doing a renovation. We often keep the foundation and upgrade or build onto it with innovative technologies and/or modern décor.
For those out there saying, “the Masters are set in their ways and the information is old”, I say, “interesting, that’s not my experience.” The information and teachings I receive from the Masters has changed and evolved considerably over the years. It was Kwan Yin and her disciple Beishu who provided me with the information and techniques to chakra colours over 14 years ago which I called The Beishu Method ™. Then St. Germain who taught me how to do paradigm shifts and create the new technology in Magic Max XL. It is St. Germain and another Master (who will remain nameless for now) who is teaching me a new technique that moves the double helix DNA encoding to a triple helix and instills new neuro pathways by re-routing the old ones through evolving archetypal patterns…cutting age stuff and new information needed for our conscious evolution!
The Masters continue assist us to adapt and evolve to new energies, they have after all made their ascension and as such have an advanced perspective which is not egocentric. In other words, “been here, done that.” Lived on the earth plane and acquired complete knowledge, skill, techniques and disciplines that benefited them in the ascension process. Are they the only ways? No, they are simply foundations of truth that can be built upon.
Remember the words, “I am that I am”? You can call it your God-Self, Creator-Self, Divine-Self or I Am Presence whatever you choose, the concept and foundation is still the same it is only the words and or view of that aspect of self that has changed. It seems to me that, old concepts are simply being re-labeling and presented in a new way, then passed on as “current” while discrediting our foundations and traditions.
In my humble opinion, if we want to receive information from those who have come before us, and laboured to assist humanity in not only finding by simply choosing enlightenment, dissing them is not the best approach. By showing honour and respect to the Masters and the fundamentals they have strived to initiate, we open ourselves to becoming vessels on new knowledge, information and up dated tools that assist our evolution in a broader way than our egos can see.
As one of my precious clients said to me this morning, you wouldn’t re-invent the wheel would you? So my question to you is, has the wheel been re-invented or simply modernized and remodeled to be more efficient for the changing times?