My Work...

Private sessions may include several healing modalities, which are intuited for your own personally designed program. You can also experience Soul Alchemy Healing through telephone sessions, remotely via Skype or in the privacy of your own home.
Foundational Clearing
How much we love and accept ourselves and how open we are to receiving our Divine birthright is at the essence of what we create in our lives. These are the foundations that hold up all other structure or personal development work we do. Without these foundations set in place it is often impossible to realize true gain from any other healing or therapy we do.
At the core of every pattern is a source. Unfortunately many times this source is unconscious. There are a multitude of possibilities such as a multi-generational pattern, past life oath or even from the womb! Carol's sessions trace conditional behavior patterns back to their source and then eliminate them through neurological re-patterning.
Bio-Energetic Analysis
As a trained professional in Bio-Energetic Analysis by Rev. Hanna Kroeger, Carol can read the blueprint of your physical body revealing mental, emotional, physical or spiritual ailments. This process shows under or over activities in each of your physical organs, detecting dangerous pathogens that may be in your system (fungus, parasites, candida, metals and more) by using pendulum. These pathogens are often the cause of many debilitating diseases such as Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Memory Loss, A.D.D. and Hep C, just to name a few. Carol also determines vitamin, mineral or other diet deficiencies you may have. She offers herbal & homeopathic remedies that will support your healing process.
The Beishu Method of Healing
Carol is the founder of The Beishu Method of Healing and channeled it in 2001.
Your physical body is surrounded by an energy field that extends as far out as your outstretched arms and the full length of your body. It is both an information center and a highly sensitive perceptual system.
We are constantly in communication with everything around us through this system which is a kind of conscious electricity that transmits and receives messages to and from other people's bodies. These messages from and within the energy field are what our intuition can perceive with practice.
The human energy field contains and reflects an individual's energy. Since each chakra is related to a specific psychological function; what we project through each chakra will be within the general area that each chakra functions and will be very personal to each of us because each person's life experience is unique. By working with the vibration of the chakras, Carol can determine one's overall long-term and current life issues.
- Experiences that carry emotional energy in our energy systems include:
- Past and present relationships (both personal and professional)
- Profound or traumatic experiences and memories
- Belief patterns and attitudes (including all spiritual and superstitious beliefs)
The emotions from past experiences become encoded in our biological systems and contribute to the formation of our cell tissue, which then generates a quality of energy that reflects these emotions. These energy impressions form an energy language, which carries literal and symbolic information.
The Beishu Method is a Revolutionary Healing Technique for Chakra Balancing, Healing, Cleansing and Integration. This unique system of healing allows Carol to open each chakra and clear the related organs and systems involved in that energy center.
Every chakra is related to specific psychological functions and relates to our current and past life experiences. By working with the vibration of the chakras, Carol can determine one's overall long-term and current life and health issues.
This advanced method allows her to connect with the higher consciousness of the elemental, emotion or belief, discover its purpose for revealing itself and release it from your body and chakra system. These reasons can have to do with karma, life lessons, past trauma or poor diet and lifestyle choices. The Beishu Method is a highly evolved system of healing and the experience is unique for everyone. Carol is then guided to change the colour of the chakras to best fit the development and spiritual growth of an individual. It truly is a exceptional and valuable experience for anyone.
Enjoy a wonderful, relaxing and harmonizing session of Reiki. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results.
Rei: Universal radiant energy, referring to the spiritual dimension of the soul.
Ki: Vital life-force energy, which flows through all living things.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a natural, safe and gentle healing modality that utilizes the laying on of hands. Reiki is a Universal Life Force Energy and the Reiki Practitioner is able to tap into an unlimited supply of this energy and channels it to the client to create spiritual, mental and physical well-being. Historically, many cultures around the world have had the knowledge and wisdom that energy flows through all living organisms. In recent years, studies by scientists and medical doctors have documented this form of energy and its role in the body’s innate healing process and immune system functioning. Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment but is complementary with these treatments. Reiki healing can promote balance, harmony and well-being for people on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Reiki allows the energy to move harmoniously along the meridian lines for increased well being. The energy can also be channeled into specific body locations and energy centers to alleviate negative symptoms and return your body to a more balanced and healthful state.
Goal Focused Clearing/Manifesting
The session begins with you making a list of the way you would like a particular area of you life to be. Carol then uses muscled testing to find the areas you yourself are not congruent with. She then traces the conditional behavior patterns back to their source by connecting with your unconscious mind and then eliminates them forever with neurological re-patterning. This re-patterning is done through a variety of methods: a combination of muscle testing or AK which is an eclectic blend of biofeedback, Chinese acupuncture, emotional stress release, Huna, NLP, Reiki, Body Code and Color Therapy are used to clear these destructive patterns. A new pattern is created neurologically, and the new pattern is set up in your future timeline. Any area of life from financial success, health, finding a life partner, to working with your spiritual guides can be tapped into and all blocks released. Carol defuses all emotionally charged issues related to the area you are intending to shift through a process of age and life regression techniques. This can be an intense session that takes between 1 1/2 and 2 hours.
It is a powerful natural therapy of benefit to everyone on all levels of being; spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
To keep your body and spirit at their most optimal performance levels, strive to create harmony with the five functional realms listed below:
- Spiritual/Mental/Emotional
- Physical/Structural
- Bio-chemical/Nutritional
- Energetic/Life Force
- Environmental
Advanced Bio-Energetic Analysis
In the Advanced Bio-Energetic Analysis, Carol includes a Bio-Energetic Analysis or reading of your auras physical body blueprint revealing it's ailments. Hanna taught her that no matter whether a disease is of an emotional, mental, or spiritual nature, if it has manifested itself in the physical realm, we must first uplift the physical to correct the disease. In an advanced reading Carol unlocks the spiritual causes of ill health and assists in correcting all of them. This reading includes 1.5 hours to preform and another 1.5 hours to go through the information and provide appropriate methods to clear all issues.
7 Spiritual Causes
- Neglect
- Trauma
- Congestion
- Karma
- Dark Forces
- Emotional Imbalance
- Law Of The Universe
1. Neglect
All of us want to be perfect in body, mind and spirit. Physical neglect involves a lack of proper nutrients, sleep, learning and exercise. Self-discipline is the key. Spiritual neglect is ignoring the warning signs of the body. The mind is the master controller of the physical body. Our emotions are the master controller of our spiritual body. Developing will power is essential to counteracting spiritual neglect. The will power to change your present situation and to start and finish projects. People who have a purpose in life seldom get sick. Use meditation and healing with light and sound.
2. Trauma
Trauma or injuries to the body typically occur from accidents and operations. An injury rocks or offsets the aura, an operation cuts the aura. In all cases of trauma to the body we must heal the injured part and heal the aura. Within the realm of spiritual trauma are prenatal, birth and childhood trauma. The fetus and/or child feels the emotions of the parents. Destructive thoughts, words and fears of the parents and traumas such as being lost or unloved can last a lifetime. Likewise, singing, listening to good music and prayers promote children who are more loving, giving and brighter. If untreated, any form of trauma can lead to congestion in the body.
3. Congestion
After a lifetime of eating wrong food combinations poisoned by chemicals, additives and no energy, our bodies rebel. Nothing works any longer. The eyes give out. Everything hurts. The blood pressure goes up and down with every mood. Most health problems are partially or totally due to a toxic, overloaded alimentary tract. The most effective treatment for physical congestion is short term fasts and cleanses. With spiritual congestion, it is the chakras that become congested. There is an electrical shortage. Energy does not flow through our bodies. We become stagnant. Color is the number one tool to balance spiritual congestion. Use color for healing your body or in meditation to calm the emotions.
4. Environmental Toxins/Karma
Our society faces many different forms of environmental toxins and pollutants. We find sodium fluoride poisoning in our drinking water; our foods have additives, preservatives and are irradiated; hormones and arsenic are found in beef and poultry supplies; and we are exposed to lead in our gasoline and atomic fallout in our atmosphere. Our immune systems suffer due to EHF waves, ELF waves, microwaves, computers and televisions. Spiritually, karma acts as a toxin to our bodies. Karma is unfinished business, unkept promises, blaming someone else (even God) for your situation. Adversity can be a blessing. It all depends on your perception. Forgiveness of self and others is necessary to clear karma. Once you recognize the truth, love and forgive it, you are released from the karma of the past. Forgiveness is the most important step in taking responsibility for your life.
5. Dark Forces
Parasites are masters of disguise and can imitate the vibration of different organs and systems in the body. They thrive in stagnant conditions (congestion in the body), toxic environments and negative thought forms. People with low immune systems and poor nutritional habits are most susceptible. It is common to be host to more than one type of parasite at a time. Acting just like a parasite to our bodies, negative energies, thought forms and dark forces invade our lives. Once these dark energies are removed, the body can recuperate, sometimes instantly. Many illnesses have a “dark side”. Use prayer and fasting.
6. Emotional Imbalance
Your immune system is your body’s powerful defense against infections of all kinds. The thymus gland, which is the seat of your immune system, the spleen and the thyroid are the primary organs that contribute to the immune system. As we get older, the immune system becomes less powerful, less able to throw off infections. Emotions run the immune system, the glands, and the intestines. The pineal (the throne of our faith) and pituitary (imagination and will power) are two important glands for decongesting emotions. Faith without a goal has no end result. You must be able to imagine your goal being achieved. You are changing the physical reality of your body as you change your mood. An emotional crisis does more than injure your psyche. It jeopardizes your physical health. It increases your risk of sickness and can even add to accidental injuries. Will power, enthusiasm, obedience and understanding are the creative powers in your life and in your health.
7. Law of the Universe
Whenever Universal Law is in play, there is something that must be done or taught as part of our life’s mission. This lesson prevents or delays a full recovery.
Shadow Work
What is Shadow Work and why is it so Profound?
Shadow Work can Heal Generational Karma.
The hidden aspects of the psyche that can be challenging to find.
If you are a Mission Driven Person with a burning desire to take your Life and your Life’s Work to the next level, then understanding how Shadow Consciousness is playing out in your lived experience is an essential component in your personal Evolution.
In every given moment you are reflecting out into the world the Truth of who you are and where your Consciousness is residing, whether you are aware of it or not. Your words, thoughts, actions, behaviours and energetic frequency are like the store-front of the workings of your inner-most Being.
Shadow Consciousness will have you believe you are stuck, confused, and alone, but in reality Shadows are Portals into your Next Levels of Higher Selves.
In fact, they are pointing to exactly what you need to look at in order for Your Next Level Self to Emerge.
Shadows have been misunderstood and that is why most people turn away from them, yet by looking away you’re giving them more power. Their sole purpose is to Awaken your human and give your Soul the opportunity to Evolve. Shadows can be Divine Messengers with the right person guiding you through this important process.
The way they get your attention is by causing disruption in your life. It is their ‘job’ to disrupt. They come in the form of confusion, fears, depression, resentments, broken relationships, dis-ease, lack of purpose, financial difficulties, addictions, creative blocks and an overall feeling of unfulfillment.
Without this friction there wouldn’t be a need to move to Higher Levels of Consciousness, and we would be stuck in an existence where being less than our Highest Potential would be acceptable.
As you work with Carol to Transcend your Shadows, you begin to understand that they hold your True Power and you see them for the Gifts that they hold. They are not meant to bring you down, but instead they exist to be the exact catalyst you require to break through to your Next Level self.
Gene Keys Shadow Release Work
Carol uses your gene key profile to find your core wound and ancestral patterns locked into your fractal lines and works with you to eliminate them and bring the healing into the present and future timelines so it is healed completely for you, your ancestors and your descendants.
She can also coach you in the shadows that are blocking different areas of your life, based on your gene key profile and assist you in clearing any of them that your are working on healing.
Inner contemplation of these shadows can answer some important questions like:
- How does it show up?
- What is your personal response to it?
- How does it make you feel?
Then together you release the Shadows at their source from your unconscious programing. These may show up in your life as physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
Often the first stage of an emotional breakthrough is simply to see our emotional shadow pattern objectively, then clearing it from all timelines, shifts our paradigm so we can move forward on all levels. By up-rooting an old paradigm that has caused us suffering for years it shifts our relationship with ourselves and others. Then our entire world is transformed, and in a beautiful twist it becomes something remarkable.
Numerical Frequencies and Coding
Tired of taking remedies? Try a Energy Balancing by numbers!
Energy Balancing by numbers is an advanced healing method that allows Carol to interact, diagnose or balance the subtle etheric fields (energy and electromagnetic) of different bodies and the physical structure, biological and non-biological.
Based on the scientific law that: “Everything is energy” Taking this as foundation, we know that organs, diseases and remedies have their own frequency or particular vibration. And these factors can be expressed in numerical-mathematical values that are known as “Rates” or fees in the form of basic geometric patterns. This provides the means by which Carol identifies and treats all disorders.
Energy Balancing by numbers is a method of analysis based on the principles of bio-energy, electro-physics and electronics, supported by the science of dowsing which is based on psychic and mental abilities of the practitioner.
Healing occurs when there is a shift between the harmonious and disharmonious energies in the body. Maneuvering these vibrational frequencies allows for a rapid and safe means of healing and is much more efficient than giving chemicals to the body. Your cells will use the recommended and implanted vibrational energy to heal you faster and toxic free.
The Melchizedek Method
Holographic healing is a multidimensional healing which accesses the original thought form and clears a person’s body, mind, emotions, energy bodies, chakras and meridians. The results are amazing and fast.
The Melchizedek Method is a technique that works with the Merkabah and the Hologram of Love light body for activation, healing and rejuvenation. It is a revolutionary formula for excellent body health, harmony and spiritual ascension. The elements represented by sacred geometrical shapes are within in the flower of life. Your RNA/DNA was born through this holographic flower of life pattern. The finest particle of our atomic cell structure has this exact pattern within it.
The techniques introduced in “THE MELCHIZEDEK METHOD” are quick, simple and powerful, perfect for these ascending times. These sessions will help you clear your lower layers (3rd and 4th Dimensional vibrational states) and open you up to the 5th Dimensional vibration state.
You will experience greater expansion of love and light without the negative thoughts and emotions. Holographic Healing is an amazing healing system which heals every aspect of a person. Open up to your I AM Presence and connect to God's divine unity consciousness. This is a totally new systematic approach to holographic healing & rejuvenation. All sessions include: Chakra Balancing, Physical Healing, Rejuvenation and Energy Meridian Balance, preparing you for global ascension.
Paradigm Shift
Paradigm defined is "the totality of thoughts, perceptions and values that form a particular vision of reality, a vision that is the basis of the way a person or society organizes itself."
Paradigms provide a frame of reference for living. They are not the truth but rather models of reality. We all look at the world around us in accordance with a certain paradigm. The paradigm we use depends on what we believe is reliable and true. What we perceive, whether normal or abnormal, conscious or unconscious, is subject to the limitations and distortions produced by our inherited and socially conditional nature.
When a frame of reference changes; it is called a paradigm shift. It is a radical change of our fundamental and underlying beliefs or theories; conscious and unconscious views of reality.
In this session you will clearly define your existing paradigm with Carol. By unplugging your previous, unnecessary belief systems, whether they were created in a past life, your family history, DNA or in this lifetime you will be free to take a quantum leap forward on your desired path.
Carol then sets the framework for your new paradigm. She works with your guides and the angelic realm to set up your new desired reality. All aspects are locked into the new paradigm: past, present and future realities, your multi-dimensional selves, etc.